Top 5 Reasons People Fail a Driving Test
On our last Pass Me Faster meeting the topic of most common reasons for failing a driving test reared its ugly head. After a few coffees, a heated debate and some ginger snaps we came up with our list.
In this article lets have a look at what our industry professionals came up with and what we felt were the top 5 reasons people fail a driving test.
Observations at Junctions – No1
Coming in at Number 1 on the top 5 reasons people fail a driving test is observations at junctions. The first junction on test can be a bit of a baptism of fire. Testing your judgement leaping out into fast flowing traffic for the first time under test pressure can really work up a sweat.
As many examiner will say ‘its all about the observations’ and with decades of experience its probably a good idea to listen to them .
With wall to wall traffic permeating from all directions, not to mention a pedestrian and cyclist ball game in play, we can start to see why junctions are called ‘accident black spots.’
How can we help?
Judging the speed and distance of traffic coming towards you is key here. Starting with early observations and well timed approach speed we can reach that perfect vantage point.
Now lets use those hawk eyes to chaperone ourselves out safety.
Try to remain calm, your ready for this remember!
Check out our blog here on Junctions for more information.
Moving Off Safely – No2 in the Top 5 Reasons People Fail a Driving Test
Moving off safely is the second most popular cause of driving test fails. After the initial flap of finding a safe place to stop (which we’ll leave for another day) we then have to chew off safely back into the stack.
Your third eye (mirrors) are really going to come into their own here when looking for a gap in the traffic. Blind spot faults are regularly picked up when moving off so remember to coil right round.
The blind spot is behind you not just to the side!
Many a student fluffs it with a blind spot chink in their armoury. With the blind spot checks it really is a three strikes and your out.
Every examiner worth their salt will have you nailed down here.
The main bugbear however with moving off safely is interfering with traffic behind. The gap needs to be large enough to get out and up to speed without too much of a fuss. Causing vehicles behind to slow down, stop, swerve or swear at you is a sure fire way of getting the examiners pen wiggling.
Another check in your mirrors after you have moved off will also come in handy. A speeding motorbike can literally materialise from nowhere. Spotting this early may just give you time to hoof it to safety.
All jokes aside being able to move out of danger from traffic behind may one day save you and everyone in your car from serious injury.
Its easy for us to say, but with the right practice on lessons you should be best of breed.
Use of Mirrors – No3 in the Top 5 Reasons People Fail a Driving Test
It wouldn’t be much of a list if we didn’t talk about mirrors. Coming in at number 3 on our top 5 reasons people fail a driving test is use of mirrors.
The main reason for mirror check failures is changing lanes. Criss crossing a cheesey route over a spiral roundabout with poor mirror work is probably going to wreck your day.
Solid side mirror checks however in busy city centres before any movement sideways or changing lanes will really help catch creeping Jesus coming up next to you on his scooty puff jnr.
Remember the mirror check is before moving over to check safety, not after!
The pie is never perfect, cut it into wedges. Stay in control and try not to panic.
Reverse Parking – No4
Without a shadow of a doubt if you ask any student taking lessons what they feel is one of their weaknesses they will say ‘Parallel Park.’ Many changes were made in 2017 to the driving test but unfortunately the parallel park didn’t get the chop.
keeping the car moving very slowly whilst using owl like observations are two great ways of acing this section of your exam.
A moving vehicle squeezing past you here can shipwreck your test if you don’t spot it early. A good rule of thumb is if anything close bye is moving pause until its gone.
With all manoeuvres its not over till its over. As long as you manage to end up in the right place safely don’t be afraid to correct things until your on target.
If the examiner says ‘thanks drive off when your ready’ it’s either gone really well or it really hasn’t. However if they say ‘have you finished’ this may be a life line to keep adjusting things.
A little tip we always give is to make sure you can see the left curb edge. If this means adjusting the mirror slightly or improving your vantage point by sitting up in the seat then go for it. If you end up on the pavement your test will probably end up in the gutter.
Well the pavement but you know what we mean!
Response to Traffic Lights – No5 in the Top 5 Reasons People Fail a Driving Test
Coming in at number 5 in the Top 5 Reasons People Fail a Driving Test is responding to traffic lights. Some of the mistermeanors we notice include missing green filter arrows to the left, not stopping when safe on a steady amber or stopping too late over the stop line.
Easing off the gas on approach to a green light is a great way to start expediting these problems. Covering the brake on approach will give you these three advantages.
Firstly it will stop you accelerating towards the light.
Also you will have your foot ready for the stop if needed.
Finally it will help keep the green traffic light focused in your mind. Keep saying ‘Green Green Green’ over and over to yourself if you like.
It worked – you stopped safely and correctly.
Now try not to nod off when waiting at the red light, keep focused and keep the car in gear ready. A flap about getting into gear on the green light is a great way to pick up a fault for hesitation.
Let’s Ace This Test
Believe it or not the examiners arn’t here to wreck your day. Making sure the roads in their area are kept as safe as possible is going to be part of their norm. On average people who pass their test have had approximately 45 hours tuition and are at a safe standard to drive. Nevertheless curve balls can be dealt to even the most locked and loaded of students.
Hopefully the information here may help you deal with some of the most common of curve balls.
Go smash that test out of the park!
For any questions please follow the link to a friendly instructor here.
Michelle sanderson
September 1, 2019 @ 4:31 pm
It is difficult when you fail your driving test but believe me, perseverance does pay off 😊